11. 03. 2018
Cynthia has been one of my closest friends over the past few years. She's so incredibly smart, witty, and kind and I can't imagine where I'd be without her if it weren't for our long conversations and the advice that would be shared. She's been there when I was both happy and was helping me when I was sad. I'd have to say that my favorite times hanging out with Cynthia were when our group (Cynthia, Seong, and I) would have our lunch at Bubble Cafe in Downtown Athens despite the fact that we would cancel on each other way more times than actually meeting there!
Cynthia is an accomplished individual and is possibly one the smartest and dedicated person I know. She is going to be graduating from the University of Georgia with a degree in Management Information System. Following her graduation, she is going to work full-time KPMG which she accepted her position a couple weeks ago! I can't wait to see where she goes from here and I wish her the best of the best!
Congratulations Cynthia!
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